セミナー(2018.7.27):清水則孝氏 (東京大学原子核科学研究センター)


Speaker: Prof. Noritaka Shimizu (Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo)

Title: Stochastic estimation of level density in nuclear shell model calculations

Abstract: We report a recent development of nuclear level-density study in terms of shell model calculations. In order to calculate the level density efficiently, we introduced a novel stochastic estimation method based on Sakurai-Sugiura method into the shell-model framework and demonstrated that it works quite well in pf-shell nuclei. This framework leads to a successful description of both low-lying spectroscopy and the experimentally observed equilibration of the positive-parity and negative-parity states in 58Ni in a unified manner.

Date/Time: July 27 (Fri.) 13:30-

Place: Meeting Room B, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba



第12回中村誠太郎賞 (関澤さん)

本研究室出身で学位を取得した関澤さん(現ワルシャワ工科大学)が、第12回中村誠太郎賞を受賞しました。この賞は、素粒子・原子核・宇宙理論の広い分野において、大学および研究機関のパーマネントポストについていない研究者の単著の論文(共著論文の書き下ろしを含む)に対して授与するものであり、関澤さんは、原子核構造・反応の分野で初めての受賞者になります。授賞式は、日本物理学会 第73回年次大会(2018年3月22-25日 東京理科大学)にて執り行なわれます。

受賞論文:”Microscopic description of production cross sections including deexcitation effects”
K. Sekizawa, Physical Review C 96, 014615 (2017)



矢花さん 2017 Best Faculty Member

矢花さんが筑波大学2017 Best Faculty Member に選ばれました。





また、セミナーに先立ち、13:00-14:00, 14:30-15:30の予定で、同じ場所で、重力波天文学について非専門家向けの講義をして頂きます。

Lecturer: Koutarou Kyutoku (KEK)
Date/Time: January 17th (Wed), 2018, 16:00-
Place: Conference Room B (1F), Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Title: GW170917
Abstract: The last year has witnessed a spectacular opening of multimessenger astronomy with binary neutron star mergers. Gravitational waves from the binary neutron star merger, GW170817, are detected by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration. They informed us that neutron stars should be moderately compact (say, smaller than 13-14km). A nominal short gamma-ray burst, GRB170817A, were detected by Fermi and INTEGRAL satellites at 2sec after merger. This detection confirmed that binary-neutron-star mergers can drive a kind of short gamma-ray bursts, although this event was not a typical gamma-ray burst involving an ultrarelativistic jet. An ultraviolet/optical/infrared transient, AT 2017gfo, is observed by a follow-up campaign by many telescopes. This transient was not similar to any other transients those have been discovered and is largely consistent with a predicted marcronova/kilonova, quasithermal radiation powered by the decay of r-process elements synthesized in the material ejected during binary neutron star mergers. Thus, binary-neutron-star mergers are likely to synthesize r-process elements. In this seminar, I will review this event focusing mainly on gravitational waves and the macronova/kilonova.

* The talk will be given in Japanese or English, depending on the audience.


セミナー(2017.9.8):関澤一之氏 (ワルシャワ工科大学)


Speaker: Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Warsaw Institute of Technology)
Title: Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Nuclear Many-Body Problem
Abstract: Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) has shown a great success in describing dynamic phenomena in quantum many-body systems. I have studied nuclear many-body problem using TDDFT, such as dynamics in the neutron star crust as well as low-energy heavy ion reactions. In the seminar, I will briefly review my recent activities and discuss selected topics including some preliminary results.
Date/Time: September 8th (Fri), 2017 / 13:30 – 
Place: Conference Room D, Center for Computational Sciences (2F), University of Tsukuba

集中講義 (2017.11.6-8):Andrea Vitturi氏(Padova大)

今年度、イタリア・パドバ大学のAndrea Vitturi氏による集中講義を筑波大学・計算科学研究センターにおいて予定しています。

Lecturer: Prof. Andrea Vitturi (University of Padova)
Title: Interplay of nuclear structure and reaction mechanism in the description of heavy-ion collisions
Date/Time: November 6-8, 2017; 10:00 – 17:00
Place: Conference Room A, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Abstract: I will discuss the main features of direct reactions induced by heavy ions, with particular focus on nuclear structure inputs (and outputs).  Heavy-ion reactions offer a large variety of final channels (elastic, inelastic, transfer, break-up, fusion, knock-out, charge-exchange, etc) that, coupled to a proper choice of the kinematical conditions as scattering angle or bombarding energy, can single-out specific aspects and properties (static and dynamic) of the nuclear systems. In addition, the usual scenario gets novel features in the case of reactions involving weakly bound nuclei.  In fact, the peculiar extension of the nuclear density and the close vicinity of the continuum threshold require novel formalisms for the description of the reaction mechanisms, in parallel with the necessity of revising current structure models.
A list of arguments is as follows:
  1. Basics in heavy-ion reactions. Semi-classical approximation and coupled-channels
  2. Elastic scattering. Optical model. The case of weakly bound nuclei
  3. Coulomb excitation. One-step and multistep reactions.
  4. Nuclear inelastic excitations. Single-particle and collective excitations. Excitation of giant resonances
  5. Dipole excitations with isoscalar and isovector probes. GDR and PDR
  6. Breakup reactions and continuum discretization
  7. Interplay of different channels: reactions in one dimension as toy model
  8. Subbarrier fusion. Coupling to internal degrees of freedom.  The case of weakly bound nuclei.
  9. Algebraic approaches (IBM, IBMF, …..). Discrete symmetries and alpha clustering
  10. Phase transitions and critical point symmetries in even and odd nuclei
  11. Two-particle transfer
  12. Two-particle transfer (cont). Giant pairing vibration. Competition of T=0 and T=1 pairs.


RIBF Users Group Thesis Award 2017 (関澤さん)

当研究室の出身者である関澤一之さんが、RIBF Users Group Thesis Award 2017を受賞することが決定しました。関澤さんは2015年に博士(理学)の学位を筑波大で取得し、現在はワルシャワ工科大で活躍されています。

RIBF Users Group Thesis awards は、RIBFに関連する実験・理論の研究によって博士号を取得した人で、特に大きな成果をあげた若手研究者に授与されます。