中務さん、矢花さんの論文がアメリカ物理学会Review of Modern Physicsに出版されました。

レビュー論文「Time-dependent density-functional description of nuclear dynamics」がReview of Modern Physicsに出版されました。

T. Nakatsukasa, K. Matsuyanagi, M. Matsuo, K. Yabana, Rev. Mod. Phys. 88, 045004 (2016).

Tsukuba CCS-RIKEN Joint Workshop on microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics (2016.12.12-16)

The First Tsukuba-CCS-RIKEN joint workshop on “Microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics” will be held at the RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan, on December 12-13, 2016, and the Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, December 14-16, 2016.

Many recent developments in nuclear structure theory are driven by experimental data on exotic nuclei from radioactive ion beam facilities, and by high performance computing. The challenge for microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics is the development of a coherent theoretical framework applicable to many new phenomena at the limits of large isospin and weak binding. To this end, novel computational techniques, applicable to pre-exascale computer systems, enable quantified predictions.

The joint workshop will be held at two sites. At the RIKEN Nishina Center, the discussion will be focused on topics related to the recent and planned experiments at RIBF with the purpose of accelerating the collaboration between experiment and theory. At the Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, the workshop will focus on theoretical techniques, especially nuclear density functional theory and its extensions, as well as related computational methods.

Dates and Venues
December 12 – 13, 2016, RIKEN Nishina Center
December 14 – 16, 2016, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Y. Hashimoto (Univ. of Tsukuba)
N. Hinohara (Univ. of Tsukuba, Chair)
H. Liang (RIKEN, co-chair)
T. Nakatsukasa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
W. Nazarewicz (MSU)
T. Uesaka (RIKEN)
K. Yabana (Univ. of Tsukuba)


計算科学研究センター原子核物理研究部門の研究員としてGuillaume Scampsさんが研究室のメンバーに加わりました。

中務さん、日野原さんの論文がPaper of the weekに

中務さんと日野原さんの共著による以下の論文がイギリス物理学会(IOP)のPhysical Scriptaに掲載され、Editorial & News で Paper of the Week のハイライトに選ばれました。

Kenichi MatsuyanagiMasayuki MatsuoTakashi NakatsukasaKenichi YoshidaNobuo Hinohara and Koichi Sato, “Microscopic derivation of the Bohr–Mottelson collective Hamiltonian and its application to quadrupole shape dynamics”, Physica Scripta 91, 063014 (2016).





講師:下浦 享(東京大学 原子核科学研究センター)
概要:多様な不安定核をRIビームとして生成することが可能となり、核図表の広い領域にわたる原子核 構造の研究が飛躍的に進んできている。一方、不安定核がもつ安定核とは異なる性質(内部エネ ルギー、アイソスピン、スピン、パリティ、一粒子配位など)を利用した核反応により、これまで不可能 であった運動学的条件や位相空間における原子核応答や原子核反応の研究が可能となっている。 不安定核が持つ大きな内部エネルギーを利用した発熱型荷電交換反応による核応答研究のいく つかと、この手法を用いたテトラ中性子研究を紹介する。 また、RIBFで生成される大強度の高速RIビームを効率よく減速するプロジェクト(OEDOプロジェクト)を紹介し、それを用いた、不安定核による移行反応、融合反応の研究展開について議論する。


日時:10月7日(金) 10:30ー12:00、13:30ー15:00



Date/Time: July 27 (Wed), 15:00-
Place: Institute of Natural Sciences B602 (自B602)

セミナー(2016.7.29):祖谷 元氏 (国立天文台理論部)


Date/Time: 15:00-, July 29, 2016
Place: B602, Institute for Natural Science B (自然学系B棟)
Title:Crustal oscillations in neutron stars and equation of state (中性子星クラスト振動と状態方程式)

セミナー(2016.7.15):富樫 甫氏 (理研・仁科センター)


Date/Time: 14:30-, July 15, 2016
Place: B602, Institute for Natural Science B (自然学系B棟)
Title: Nuclear equation of state for neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae with the variational method
The equation of state (EOS) for dense nuclear matter is an essential ingredient for understanding the properties of neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae (SNe). Though the structure of neutron stars has been studied with various nuclear theories, the number of nuclear EOSs available for SN simulations is limited. Furthermore, those SN-EOSs are based on phenomenological models for uniform nuclear matter. Therefore, we have constructed a new type of SN-EOS based on the realistic nuclear Hamiltonian composed of the Argonne v18 two-body potential and Urbana IX three-body potential using the variational many-body theory. In this talk, we will discuss the properties of our SN-EOS and its application to numerical simulations of core-collapse SNe. Furthermore, we will report on an extension of our variational approach so as to treat hyperon mixing.