セミナー(Seminar) 2019.10.25: Dr Takeru Yokota (KEK)

We have a seminar by Dr Takeru Yokota, KEK, on October 25th, 2019. The seminar is given in English.

  • Lecturer: Dr Takeru YOKOTA (KEK)
  • Title: Functional-renormalization-group aided density functional theory
  • Time/Date: 13:45-, October 25, 2019
  • Place: Meeting Room B, Center for Computational Sciences (1F), University of Tsukuba
  • Abstract: The functional-renormalization-group aided density functional theory (FRG-DFT) is an attempt to microscopically formulate the density functional theory borrowing ideas from the functional renormalization group. This method is expected to become a powerful approach for the fundamental problems of the density functional theory such as the microscopic determination of the energy density functional and the analyses of excited states involving the large-amplitude collective dynamics.
    In this talk, I will introduce the FRG-DFT and present our works, which includes the formulation for continuum homogeneous matters [1], the analysis of the ground and excited states of a one-dimensional fermionic matter [1, 2], and the application to the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas [3]. I may also discuss our recent works on the application to systems with arbitrary spin polarization and superfluidity.
    [1] T. Yokota, K. Yoshida, and T. Kunihiro, Phys. Rev. C 99, 024302 (2019).
    [2] T. Yokota, K. Yoshida, and T. Kunihiro, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys (2019) 011D01.
    [3] T. Yokota and T. Naito, Phys. Rev. B 99, 115106 (2019).

受賞:Asian Nuclear Physics Association & AAPPS-DNP Award (Dr Kai Wen)

Dr Kai Wen was awarded ANPhA/AAPPS-DNP award for young scientist, for his outstanding presentation at CNSSS19 (August 21-27, 2019, Tokyo, Japan), “Optimal collective coordinate in nuclear collective dynamics”. The announcement on a web page of Center for Computational Sciences can be found here: [English].

研究員のKai Wenさんが、 CNSSS19 (August 21-27, 2019, Tokyo, Japan)における最も優れた発表として、ANPhA/AAPPS-DNP award for young scientistを受賞しました。Wenさんは、”Optimal collective coordinate in nuclear collective dynamics”というタイトルで講演を行いました。計算科学研究センターのページにも掲載あり [日本語]。



プレスリリース, Press release (Collaboration with MPI, ETHZ)

Dr Shunsuke Sato (Assistant Professor) and collaborators (MPI for the structure and dynamics of matter, ETH Zurich)has unraveled the light-induced electron-localization dynamics in transition metals at the attosecond timescale. The work appeared on Nature Physics. The press release on this research has been made.

Press release (MPI)

佐藤さんは、マックスプランク物質構造ダイナミク ス研究所理論グループ、及びチューリッヒ工科大学の超高速レーザー物理グループとの共同研究により、 パルス光が遷移金属薄膜に引き起こすアト秒(10の18乗分の1秒)時間スケールの超高速な光吸収特性の変化を測定することに成功し、プレスリリースを行いました。



セミナー(Seminar) 2019.7.26:中田仁氏、Hitoshi NAKADA(千葉大、Chiba University)

We have a seminar by Prof. Hitoshi NAKADA, Chiba University, on July 26, 2019. The seminar is given in English.

  • Lecturer: Prof. Hitoshi NAKADA (Chiba University)
  • Title: Intertwined effects of pairing and deformation on neutron halos in magnesium isotopes
  • Time/Date: 15:30-, July 26, 2019
  • Place: Workshop Room, Center for Computational Sciences (1F), University of Tsukuba


新メンバー、New member: Dr. Bharat Kumar

Dr. Bharat Kumar, who were a postdoc at IUCAA, India, has joined our group from June 1st, 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher.

Bharat Kumarさんが2019年6月1日付けで、インド・IUCAAから、研究員として着任しました。

アカデミスト・ジャーナル記事 Academist Journal article

中務さんの記事が、 一般の方々に最先端研究を伝える学術系メディアAcademist Journalの研究コラムに掲載されました。原子核のかたちと量子効果に関する内容です。

An article (in Japanese) by Takashi Nakatsukasa has been published at the online academic media, “Academist Journal”. It is about nuclear shapes and quantum effect.

佐藤駿丞さんテニュアトラック助教として着任、Shunsuke Sato took a tenure-track assistant professor

Dr Shunsuke Sato, who were a postdoc fellow at Max Planck Institute (Hamburg, Germany) and finished his PhD study in our nuclear theory group, has joined the group (again) from May 16th, 2019, as an International Tenure-Track assistant professor. He will continue to stay in Max Planck Institute.


集中講義 (Lectures) 2019.7.24-26:中田仁氏、Hitoshi NAKADA(千葉大、Chiba University)

We have a series of lectures by Prof. Hitoshi NAKADA, Chiba University, in July 24-26, 2019. The lectures are given in Japanese.

題  目:「原子核における平均場近似と有効相互作用」

  中田 仁 千葉大学・大学院理学研究院 教授)

7月24日(水)11:00 ~ 17:30

7月25日(木)9:30 ~ 17:30

7月26日(金)9:30 ~ 15:30

場  所:計算科学研究センター・ワークショップ室


新メンバー:阿部さん、杉浦さん、New member: Abe and Sugiura

New graduate students in the Master course, Abe and Sugiura, have joined our group.


つくば不安定核セミナー、Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar (2019.5.17)

The 42nd Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar will be held as follows.

  • Lecturer: Yoshihiro Aritomo (Kinki University)
  • Date/Time: May 17th, 2019, 16:00-
  • Place: The 5th conference room, Nuclear Research Science Institute, JAEA

This seminar will be given in Japanese.


  • 講師: 有友 嘉浩(近畿大学理工学部)
  • 題目:動力学模型を用いた新元素生成確率の評価
  • 日時:2019年5月17日(金)16:00より
  • 場所:日本原子力研究開発機構 原子力科学研究所 研究1棟 第5会議室(1階)
