尾崎さん、修士取得(Ozaki-san got Msc degree)
2022年3月25日 | 新着情報
Mr. Ozaki has been awarded the Master degree of Science on March 25th, 2022.
2022年3月25日 | 新着情報
Mr. Ozaki has been awarded the Master degree of Science on March 25th, 2022.
2022年3月24日 | 新着情報
Dr Yukio Hashimoto, who will be retired at the end of March, gave his final lecture, “Looking back the traces of dreams”, in Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba on March 23rd, 2022. The lecture was held in hybrid meeting style (in person and online), participated in by his current and former collaborators.
2022年1月10日 | 新着情報
Dr Yabana and Collaborators have made a press release on ultra-fast optical response simulations of nano materials, using SALMON on Fugaku supercomputer. Details can be found in this page.
2022年1月6日 | 新着情報
Lecturer: Yoshiko Kanada-En’yo (Kyoto University)
Date/Time: Jan 7 (Fri), 13:45 pm
Title: Low-energy Gamow-Teller transitions in deformed N = Z odd-odd nuclei
Place: Meeting Room A (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Abstract: Low-energy Gamow-Teller transitions in deformed N = Z odd-odd nuclei (10B and 22Na) are studied by the beta-gamma AMD+GCM method with isospin projection. Roles of the pn correlation in GT transitions are discussed. Splitting of GT transition strengths occurs in 22Na because of the SU(4) symmetry breaking by the spin-orbit potential of the pn pair at the surface of 20Ne core.
Hiroyuki Morita and Yoshiko Kanada-En’yo, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 98, 034307 (2018)
2021年7月23日 | 新着情報
Division of Nuclear Physics, Center for Computational Physics seeks to appoint an Associate Professor. Details can be found in this page. The deadline of the application is September 30th, 2021.
2021年4月17日 | 新着情報
New graduate students in the Master course, Tsuchida and Yoshinaga have joined our group.
2021年3月25日 | 新着情報
Mrs. Abe and Sugiura have been awarded degrees of the Master of Science. Mr Tsuchida has been awarded the Bachelor degree on March 25th, 2021.
2021年1月12日 | 新着情報
A paper by N. Hinohara and T. Nakatsukasa collaborating with K. Washiyama (Kyushu Univ.) has been published in Physical Review C of American Physical Society, and selected as an Editors’ Suggestion. The paper proposes a new computational method for the collective inertial masses in spontaneous fission dynamics.
日野原さん・中務さんが九州大学の鷲山さんとの共同研究として提案した、自発核分裂における集団慣性質量の新しい計算手法に関する論文が、アメリカ物理学会のPhysical Review Cに出版され、Editors’ Suggestionに選ばれました。
2020年12月18日 | 新着情報
A series of lectures will be delivered by Dr Hidaka (KEK) on “QCD matter at Extreme Conditions”, at Meeting Room A, CCS, University of Tsukuba, in January 13-15, 2021. The lecture is given in Japanese.
2020年12月9日 | 新着情報
Lecturer: Cheng-Jun Xia (Zhejiang University)
Date/Time: 15:30, December 11 (Fri), 2020
Place: Meeting Room A in Center for Computational Sciences, together with Zoom.
Title: Nuclear pasta structures and symmetry energy
Abstract: In the framework of the relativistic mean field model with Thomas-Fermi approximation, we study the structures of low density nuclear matter in a three-dimensional geometry with reflection symmetry. The numerical accuracy and efficiency are improved by expanding the mean fields according to fast cosine transformation and considering only one octant of the unit cell. The effect of finite cell size is treated carefully by searching for the optimum cell size. Typical pasta structures (droplet, rod, slab, tube, and bubble) arranged in various crystalline configurations are obtained for both fixed proton fractions and β-equilibration. It is found that the properties of droplets/bubbles are similar in body-centered cubic (BCC) and face-centered cubic (FCC) lattices, where the FCC lattice generally becomes more stable than BCC lattice as density increases. For the rod/tube phases, the honeycomb lattice is always more stable than the simple one. By introducing an ω-ρ cross coupling term, we further examine the pasta structures with a smaller slope of symmetry energy L = 41.34 MeV, which predicts larger onset densities for core-crust transition and non-spherical nuclei. Such a variation due to the reduction of L is expected to have impacts on various properties in neutron stars, supernova dynamics, and binary neutron star mergers.
This seminar is given in English. Contact the organizer (Kai Wen) to obtain the Zoom link.