ポスドク研究員公募, Postdoc opening(Deadline: Dec. 21st, 2018)
2018年11月12日 | 新着情報
1. 募集人員:研究員 1名
2. 専門分野: 原子核物理学(理論)
3. 勤務地・所属:
4. 職務内容:
5. (1) 着任時期:2019年4月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期
(2) 任期:着任後3年
(3) 給与:年俸制(本学規定による)(年俸額は, 経歴等を考慮し決定)
6. 応募資格:博士の学位を有する方又は2019年3月に博士の学位取得見込みの方。
7. 提出書類:
(1) 履歴書(写真貼付)
(2) 業績リスト(論文:査読付き/その他、講演:招待/その他)
(3) これまでの研究概要、研究計画と今後の抱負
(4) 本人についての意見を求め得る方2名の氏名及び連絡先
8. 応募締切: 2018年12月21日(金) 必着
9. 提出 および 問い合わせ先
e-mail: apply[at]nucl.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp (*[at]を@に変換の上、送付ください)
〒305-8577 つくば市天王台1-1-1
筑波大学計算科学研究センター 原子核物理研究部門主任
中務 孝
10. その他
Researcher position in University of Tsukuba
1. Position type: Postdoctoral Researcher
2. Subject areas: Nuclear Physics (Theory)
3. Place: Nuclear Physics Division, Center for Computational Sciences (CCS)
4. Job description:
Researches in computational nuclear physics. Current research efforts
in Division of Nuclear Physics at CCS includes physics related to
nuclear structure, nuclear reaction, and structure of neutron stars,
using energy density functional theories and nuclear many-body
methods. There are opportunities to collaborate with other groups in
CCS and experimental groups in College of Physics.
5. (1) Start: As soon as possible after April 1st, 2019
(2) Period: Three years
(3) Salary according to experience/ages
6. Requirement: Applicants must have a PhD degree before April, 2019.
7. Application materials:
(1) Curriculum Vitae (with a photo)
(2) List of Publications (refereed/non-refereed) and Talks (invited/contributed)
(3) Research statement
(4) Contact information for two references
8. Application deadline: December 21st (Fri), 2018
9. Submission and contact
Send all the materials as a single attached PDF file by email, to
Takashi Nakatsukasa (Nuclear Physics Division Head)
apply[at]nucl.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp (*[at]=@)
with “Subject: Application to Postdoc in Nuclear Physics Division” or by post to
Takashi Nakatsukasa
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
NB: Write in red ink “CCS Postdoc (Nuclear Physics)” on the envelope.
10. Note:
University of Tsukuba is an equal opportunity employer.