新メンバー:Kumarさん New members: Dr Kumar

Dr Anil Kumar has joined our group on August 1st, 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher.

Dr Anil Kumar さんが2023年8月1日に研究員として着任しました。

Seminar (セミナー)2023.6. 7 Praveen Srivastava (IIT Roorkee)

The following seminar by Dr Praveen Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee) will be held on June 7th, 2023. The language is English.

Lecturer : Praveen Srivastavag (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
Place: Meeting Room B (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Date/Time: June 7th (Wed), 13:45 PM
Title: Ab initio no-core shell model study of lighter nuclei
Abstract: In this talk, I will present no-core shell model results of B[1], C[2-3], N [4], O[5], F[5], and Ne [6] isotopes for energy spectra, electromagnetic properties, and point-proton radii using realistic NN interactions. We have used inside nonlocal outside Yukawa (INOY), charge-dependent Bonn 2000 (CDB2K) and the chiral next-to-next-to-next-to- leading order (N3LO) and optimized next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LOopt) interactions. We observed better results for INOY interaction in terms of the binding energies of the ground state, and overall all other interactions provide good agreement with the experimental low-energy spectra. Our results for reduced M1 transition strengths and magnetic moments are close to the experimental values. We found that for long-range observables such as the E2 transition strengths, the electric quadrupole moments, and the point-proton radii (rp), we need higher Nmax calculations to obtain results comparable to the experimental data. In the figure we have shown NCSM model space corresponding to Nmax=0 and 2 calculations.

1. P. Choudhary, P. C. Srivastava and P. Navrátil, Phys. Rev. C 102 , 044309 (2020).
2. P. Choudhary, P. C. Srivastava, M. Gennari and P. Navrátil, Phys. Rev. C 107 , 014309 (2023).
3. P. Choudhary and P. C. Srivastava, Nucl. Phys. A 1029 , 122565 (2023).
4. A. Saxena and P.C. Srivastava, Prog. Theo. Expt. Phys. 2019, 073D02 (2019).
5. A. Saxena and P.C. Srivastava, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47, 055113 (2020). 6. C. Sharma and P.C. Srivastava, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50, 045105 (2023).

Language: English

Seminar (セミナー)2023.5.24 Shimoura, Susumu (RIKEN)

The following seminar by Dr Susumu Shimoura (RIKEN) will be held on May 24th, 2023. The language is Japanese.

講師:下浦 享(理化学研究所)
場所:計算科学研究センター 1F 会議室B
日時:2023年5月24日(水)  13:30-

新メンバー:越智さん、金井さん、高瀬さん、類家さん New members: Ochi, Kanai, Takase, and Ruike

New graduate students in the Master course, Ochi, Kanai, Takase and Ruike have joined our group.


Seminar (セミナー)2023.4.11 Garg, Umesh (Univ. Notre Dame)

The following seminar by Dr Umesh Garg (Univ. of Notre Dame) will be held on April 11th, 2023. The language is English.

Lecturer : Umesh Garg (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Place: Meeting Room A (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Date/Time: Apr 11 (Tue), 14:00 PM
Title: Nuclear Incompressibility: How Collective Excitation Modes of a Nucleus Characterize Astrophysical Processes
Abstract: The Nuclear Incompressibility parameter is one of three important components characterizing the nuclear equation of state (EOS). It has crucial bearing on diverse nuclear and astrophysical phenomena, including radii of neutron stars, strength of supernova collapse, emission of neutrinos in supernova explosions, and collective flow in medium- and high-energy nuclear collisions. In this talk I will review current status of the research on direct experimental determination of nuclear incompressibility via the compressional-mode giant resonances. In particular, measurements on a series of Tin and Cadmium isotopes have provided an “experimental” value for the asymmetry term of nuclear incompressibility, which can provide constraints on the EOS of neutron stars.
Language: English

Yoshinaga-san got Chair Award in Physics Program 吉永さん物理学学位プログラムリーダー賞受賞

Mr Yoshinaga has received the Chair Award in Physics Program.


Tsuchida-san and Yoshinaga-san got Msc degree; Hagihara-san, Kanai-san, Ruike-san got Bsc degree 修士取得(土田さん、吉永さん)、学士取得(萩原さん、金井さん、類家さん)

Mr Tsuchida and Mr Yoshinaga have been awarded the Master degree of Science on March 24th, 2023. Mr Hagihara, Mr Kanai, and Ms Ruike have been awarded the Bachelor degree of Science on March 24th, 2023.


Ruike-san got Best Presentation Award in College of Physics; 物理学類ベストプレゼンテーション賞受賞(類家さん)

The graduation research presentation (2023.2.1) by Ms Chisato Ruike has been selected as “Best presentation award“. It is on moments of inertia for the pairing rotation in nuclei, which will be shown in a bulletin board in the first floor of Building 1C.


ハイライト論文に選定 A paper selected as Editors’ Suggestion 

A paper by T. Nakatsukasa has been published in Physical Review C of American Physical Society, and selected as an Editors’ Suggestion. The paper proposes a computational method for the finite-temperature density functional calculations for finite nuclei and inhomogeneous nuclear matter.

有限温度における原子核と非一様核物質に対する密度汎関数計算の手法に関する論文(著者:中務)が、アメリカ物理学会のPhysical Review Cに出版され、Editors’ Suggestionに選ばれました。

Seminar (セミナー)2022.11.17 Miyagi, Takayuki (TU Darmstadt)

The following seminar by Dr Miyagi (TU Darmstadt) will be held on November 17th, 2022. The language is Japanese.

Lecturer : Takayuki Miyagi (TU Darmstadt)
Place: Workshop Room (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Date/Time: Nov 17 (Thur), 15:00 PM
Title: Neutron skin of 208Pb from first principles
abstract:The neutron skin thickness could be crucial to constrain the nuclear equation of state (EoS). According to the mean-field type studies, the neutron skin of 208Pb is known to be strongly correlated with the slope parameter of the neutron matter EoS, motivating neutron skin thickness measurements. From this background, an ab initio study can be a good test of the correlation. Furthermore, it is interesting to see if the ab initio calculations can narrow down and predict the neutron skin. With the recent progress in the ab initio theory, such as underlying nuclear interaction, uncertainty quantification, and emulator technique, predicting the neutron skin of 208Pb becomes feasible. In this talk, I will introduce the recent progress and show the prediction for the neutron skin of 208Pb.
Language: Japanese (日本語)