Postdoc opening (2) ポスドク研究員公募(2)


  • 公募人員: 研究員 1名
  • 所属組織:計算科学研究センター(原子核物理研究部門)
  • 専門分野:科研費・基盤研究(B)「非一様中性子星物質の物性とパルサー・グリッチ起源の解明」(研究代表者:中務孝、研究分担者:飯田圭、関澤一之)に参画し、非一様核物質の研究を実施する。核物質・原子核構造等の量子多体系に関わる数値的研究の経験があることがあることが望ましい。
  • 着任時期: 2024年4月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期(応相談)
  • 任期:2年、年度更新(2026年3月末まで)。
  • 給与・勤務条件: 年俸制(給与等雇用条件は本学の規定による)。候補者の職務経験等を加味し、本学規程に基づいて号俸を決定。常勤、裁量労働制適用。社会保険、及び通勤手当あり。
  • 応募資格: 博士の学位を有する方もしくは着任時期までに取得見込の方
  • 提出書類:
    1. 履歴書(含連絡先)
    2. 全業績リスト(主要論文3編に印)
    3. 研究の概要及び着任後の研究計画
    4. 本人についての意見を求め得る方2名の氏名及び連絡先、もしくは推薦書2通
    5. 着任可能時期
    6. EU―般データ保護規則(GDPR)に基づく個人データの取扱い及び域外移転に関する同意書(欧州経済領域の構成国及び英国在住者のみ必ず提出、本学所定様式
  • 選考方法: 提出書類に基づいた書面選考。必要に応じて(オンライン)面接。
  • 応募期間:2024年1月21日(日)締切
  • 応募方法:提出書類を一つのPDFファイルにまとめて電子メールの添付ファイルとして、nakatsukasa [at][at]を@に置き換える)に送付。(推薦書は、作成者が直接電子メールで送付しても良い。ただし件名を「***氏推薦書」、「Letter for ***」などとする。)
  • 問合せ先:筑波大学計算科学研究センター 中務 孝
    Email: nakatsukasa [at][at]を@に置き換える
  • その他:
    1. 応募書類に含まれる個人情報は、本人事選考のみに使用し、他の目的には一切使用しません。選考終了後はすべての個人情報を適切に破棄します。
    2. 計算科学研究センターは、文部科学省共同利用・共同研究拠点に認定されており、計算機共同利用を含む学際計算科学を推進しています。筑波大学では男女雇用機会均等法を遵守した人事選考を行っています。
    3. 本学では、「外国為替及び外国貿易法」に基づき、「国立大学法人筑波大学安全保障輸出管理規則」を定め、外国人、外国の大学・企業・政府機関等出身者又は特定類型該当者の雇用に際し厳格な審査を実施しています。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

  • Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Affiliation: Nuclear Physics Research Division, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Research field and mission: The position is supported by KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid) for Scientific Research (B) “Properties of inhomogeneous neutron-star matter and origin of pulsar glitches” (PI: T. Nakatsukasa), expecting the successful candidate to join the project to perform theoretical and numerical researches associated with the inhomogeneous nuclear matter.
  • Start of the term: At the earliest opportunity after April 1, 2024.
  • Employment Duration: The contract is for a single year and can be renewed until the end of March 2026.
  • Salary: Based on the University’s payment standards and determined by applicant’s ability and background.
  • Working hours: Full-time, Discretionary Labor System with social insurances and commuting allowance
  • Qualifications: Applicants having a Ph.D. degree or those expected to obtain a Ph.D. degree by the expected date of appointment.
  • Required documents:
    1) CV including contact information
    2) List of research achievements (Mark three major publications)
    3) Research history and research plans
    4) Names, affiliations, and contact information for two persons who can give their opinions on the applicant (or two letters of recommendation)
    5) Possible date of appointment
    6) Consent to Processing and Extraterritorial Transfer of Personal Data under GDPR (only required for persons located in the countries that make up the European Economic Area or in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The template form can be downloaded from )
  • Deadline for application: January 21, 2024 (in JST)
  • Submission of the documents:
    Send all the documents 1)-6) by email as a single attached PDF file, to nakatsukasa [at] (Recommendation letters can be directly emailed from the recommender, with the subject as “Letter for ****”.)
  • Contact: Takashi Nakatsukasa
    Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
    Email: nakatsukasa [at] ([at] should be replaced by @)
  • Miscellaneous
    1. After screening of documents, an online interview will be conducted if needed.
    2. Our center has been certified as a Joint Usage / Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology, and promotes interdisciplinary computational sciences. The University of Tsukuba conducts personnel selection in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
    3. Based on the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act,” our university has established the “Security Export Control Regulations,”. We conduct strict examinations, when we employs foreigners, people from foreign universities, companies, government agencies, etc.

Postdoc opening (1) ポスドク研究員公募(1)


  • 公募人員: 研究員 1名
  • 所属組織:計算科学研究センター(原子核物理研究部門)
  • 専門分野:JST戦略的創造研究推進事業「ERATO 関口三体核力プロジェクト」(通称:TOMOEプロジェクト)に、量子多体精密計算グループのメンバーとして参画。プロジェクトについては以下を参照。 (科研費等の他の研究資金の獲得や研究機関における研究・教育業務に従事できる可能性あり) 原子核構造・反応に関わる専門的知識に加え、数値的研究の経験があることがあることが望ましい。
  • 着任時期: 2024年4月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期(応相談)
  • 任期:年度更新、評価により最長2029年3月31日まで。ただし、予算の存続状況等により再契約可能期間が変更になる可能性あり。
  • 給与・勤務条件: 年俸制(給与等雇用条件は本学の規定による)。候補者の職務経験等を加味し、本学規程に基づいて号俸を決定。常勤、裁量労働制適用。社会保険、及び通勤手当あり。
  • 応募資格: 博士の学位を有する方もしくは着任時期までに取得見込の方
  • 提出書類:
    1. 履歴書(含連絡先)
    2. 全業績リスト(主要論文3編に印)
    3. 研究の概要及び着任後の研究計画
    4. 本人についての意見を求め得る方2名の氏名及び連絡先、もしくは推薦書2通
    5. 着任可能時期
    6. EU―般データ保護規則(GDPR)に基づく個人データの取扱い及び域外移転に関する同意書(欧州経済領域の構成国及び英国在住者のみ必ず提出、本学所定様式
  • 選考方法: 提出書類に基づいた書面選考。必要に応じて(オンライン)面接。
  • 応募期間:2024年1月18日(木)締切
  • 応募方法:
    1. JREC-in portal から提出
    2. これが困難な場合は、
    3. 提出書類を一つのPDFファイルにまとめて電子メールの添付ファイルとして、apply [at][at]を@に置き換える)に送付。

    推薦書は、作成者が直接電子メールで送付しても良い。ただし件名を「***氏推薦書」、「Letter for ***」などとする。

  • 問合せ先:筑波大学計算科学研究センター 中務 孝
    Email: apply [at][at]を@に置き換える
  • その他:
    1. 応募書類に含まれる個人情報は、本人事選考のみに使用し、他の目的には一切使用しません。選考終了後はすべての個人情報を適切に破棄します。
    2. 計算科学研究センターは、文部科学省共同利用・共同研究拠点に認定されており、計算機共同利用を含む学際計算科学を推進しています。筑波大学では男女雇用機会均等法を遵守した人事選考を行っています。
    3. 本学では、「外国為替及び外国貿易法」に基づき、「国立大学法人筑波大学安全保障輸出管理規則」を定め、外国人、外国の大学・企業・政府機関等出身者又は特定類型該当者の雇用に際し厳格な審査を実施しています。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

  • Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Affiliation: Nuclear Physics Research Division, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  • Research field and mission: The position is supported by JST Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology program “ERATO Sekiguchi Three-Nucleon Force Project” (the TOMOE Project), expecting the successful candidate to join the project as a member of Quantum Many-body Precise Computation Group.
    Perform theoretical and numerical researches associated with the TOMOE project. Experiences in researches in nuclear structure/reaction and numerical/computational approaches to quantum many-body theory are desired.
  • Start of the term: At the earliest opportunity after April 1, 2024.
  • Employment Duration: The contract is for a single year and can be renewed until the end of March 2029 at the maximum, depending on the evaluation. However, the renewable period may be subject to change depending on the candidate’s ability, workload at the time of expiration of the contract, work performance, work attitude, and the continuation of the budget on which the employment is based.
  • Salary: Based on the University’s payment standards and determined by applicant’s ability and background; roughly 4M-7M JPY
  • Working hours: Full-time, Discretionary Labor System with social insurances and commuting allowance
  • Qualifications: Applicants having a Ph.D. degree or those expected to obtain a Ph.D. degree by the expected date of appointment.
  • Required documents:
    1) CV including contact information
    2) List of research achievements (Mark three major publications)
    3) Research history and research plans
    4) Names, affiliations, and contact information for two persons who can give their opinions on the applicant (or two letters of recommendation)
    5) Possible date of appointment
    6) Consent to Processing and Extraterritorial Transfer of Personal Data under GDPR (only required for persons located in the countries that make up the European Economic Area or in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The template form can be downloaded from )
  • Deadline for application: January 18, 2024 (in JST)
  • Submission of the documents:
    (1) Submit via JREC-in portal
    If (1) is difficult,
    (2) Send all the documents 1)-6) by email as a single attached PDF file, to apply [at] letters can be directly emailed from the recommender, with the subject as “Letter for ****”.
  • Contact: Takashi Nakatsukasa
    Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, Japan
    Email: apply [at] ([at] should be replaced by @)
  • Miscellaneous
    1. After screening of documents, an online interview will be conducted if needed.
    2. Our center has been certified as a Joint Usage / Research Center by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology, and promotes interdisciplinary computational sciences. The University of Tsukuba conducts personnel selection in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
    3. Based on the “Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act,” our university has established the “Security Export Control Regulations,”. We conduct strict examinations, when we employs foreigners, people from foreign universities, companies, government agencies, etc.

新メンバー:Kumarさん New members: Dr Kumar

Dr Anil Kumar has joined our group on August 1st, 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher.

Dr Anil Kumar さんが2023年8月1日に研究員として着任しました。

Seminar (セミナー)2023.6. 7 Praveen Srivastava (IIT Roorkee)

The following seminar by Dr Praveen Srivastava (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee) will be held on June 7th, 2023. The language is English.

Lecturer : Praveen Srivastavag (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
Place: Meeting Room B (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Date/Time: June 7th (Wed), 13:45 PM
Title: Ab initio no-core shell model study of lighter nuclei
Abstract: In this talk, I will present no-core shell model results of B[1], C[2-3], N [4], O[5], F[5], and Ne [6] isotopes for energy spectra, electromagnetic properties, and point-proton radii using realistic NN interactions. We have used inside nonlocal outside Yukawa (INOY), charge-dependent Bonn 2000 (CDB2K) and the chiral next-to-next-to-next-to- leading order (N3LO) and optimized next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LOopt) interactions. We observed better results for INOY interaction in terms of the binding energies of the ground state, and overall all other interactions provide good agreement with the experimental low-energy spectra. Our results for reduced M1 transition strengths and magnetic moments are close to the experimental values. We found that for long-range observables such as the E2 transition strengths, the electric quadrupole moments, and the point-proton radii (rp), we need higher Nmax calculations to obtain results comparable to the experimental data. In the figure we have shown NCSM model space corresponding to Nmax=0 and 2 calculations.

1. P. Choudhary, P. C. Srivastava and P. Navrátil, Phys. Rev. C 102 , 044309 (2020).
2. P. Choudhary, P. C. Srivastava, M. Gennari and P. Navrátil, Phys. Rev. C 107 , 014309 (2023).
3. P. Choudhary and P. C. Srivastava, Nucl. Phys. A 1029 , 122565 (2023).
4. A. Saxena and P.C. Srivastava, Prog. Theo. Expt. Phys. 2019, 073D02 (2019).
5. A. Saxena and P.C. Srivastava, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47, 055113 (2020). 6. C. Sharma and P.C. Srivastava, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50, 045105 (2023).

Language: English

Seminar (セミナー)2023.5.24 Shimoura, Susumu (RIKEN)

The following seminar by Dr Susumu Shimoura (RIKEN) will be held on May 24th, 2023. The language is Japanese.

講師:下浦 享(理化学研究所)
場所:計算科学研究センター 1F 会議室B
日時:2023年5月24日(水)  13:30-

新メンバー:越智さん、金井さん、高瀬さん、類家さん New members: Ochi, Kanai, Takase, and Ruike

New graduate students in the Master course, Ochi, Kanai, Takase and Ruike have joined our group.


Seminar (セミナー)2023.4.11 Garg, Umesh (Univ. Notre Dame)

The following seminar by Dr Umesh Garg (Univ. of Notre Dame) will be held on April 11th, 2023. The language is English.

Lecturer : Umesh Garg (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Place: Meeting Room A (first floor), Center for Computational Sciences
Date/Time: Apr 11 (Tue), 14:00 PM
Title: Nuclear Incompressibility: How Collective Excitation Modes of a Nucleus Characterize Astrophysical Processes
Abstract: The Nuclear Incompressibility parameter is one of three important components characterizing the nuclear equation of state (EOS). It has crucial bearing on diverse nuclear and astrophysical phenomena, including radii of neutron stars, strength of supernova collapse, emission of neutrinos in supernova explosions, and collective flow in medium- and high-energy nuclear collisions. In this talk I will review current status of the research on direct experimental determination of nuclear incompressibility via the compressional-mode giant resonances. In particular, measurements on a series of Tin and Cadmium isotopes have provided an “experimental” value for the asymmetry term of nuclear incompressibility, which can provide constraints on the EOS of neutron stars.
Language: English

Yoshinaga-san got Chair Award in Physics Program 吉永さん物理学学位プログラムリーダー賞受賞

Mr Yoshinaga has received the Chair Award in Physics Program.


Tsuchida-san and Yoshinaga-san got Msc degree; Hagihara-san, Kanai-san, Ruike-san got Bsc degree 修士取得(土田さん、吉永さん)、学士取得(萩原さん、金井さん、類家さん)

Mr Tsuchida and Mr Yoshinaga have been awarded the Master degree of Science on March 24th, 2023. Mr Hagihara, Mr Kanai, and Ms Ruike have been awarded the Bachelor degree of Science on March 24th, 2023.


Ruike-san got Best Presentation Award in College of Physics; 物理学類ベストプレゼンテーション賞受賞(類家さん)

The graduation research presentation (2023.2.1) by Ms Chisato Ruike has been selected as “Best presentation award“. It is on moments of inertia for the pairing rotation in nuclei, which will be shown in a bulletin board in the first floor of Building 1C.
