佐藤駿丞さんテニュアトラック助教として着任、Shunsuke Sato took a tenure-track assistant professor

Dr Shunsuke Sato, who were a postdoc fellow at Max Planck Institute (Hamburg, Germany) and finished his PhD study in our nuclear theory group, has joined the group (again) from May 16th, 2019, as an International Tenure-Track assistant professor. He will continue to stay in Max Planck Institute.


集中講義 (Lectures) 2019.7.24-26:中田仁氏、Hitoshi NAKADA(千葉大、Chiba University)

We have a series of lectures by Prof. Hitoshi NAKADA, Chiba University, in July 24-26, 2019. The lectures are given in Japanese.

題  目:「原子核における平均場近似と有効相互作用」

  中田 仁 千葉大学・大学院理学研究院 教授)

7月24日(水)11:00 ~ 17:30

7月25日(木)9:30 ~ 17:30

7月26日(金)9:30 ~ 15:30

場  所:計算科学研究センター・ワークショップ室


新メンバー:阿部さん、杉浦さん、New member: Abe and Sugiura

New graduate students in the Master course, Abe and Sugiura, have joined our group.


つくば不安定核セミナー、Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar (2019.5.17)

The 42nd Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar will be held as follows.

  • Lecturer: Yoshihiro Aritomo (Kinki University)
  • Date/Time: May 17th, 2019, 16:00-
  • Place: The 5th conference room, Nuclear Research Science Institute, JAEA

This seminar will be given in Japanese.


  • 講師: 有友 嘉浩(近畿大学理工学部)
  • 題目:動力学模型を用いた新元素生成確率の評価
  • 日時:2019年5月17日(金)16:00より
  • 場所:日本原子力研究開発機構 原子力科学研究所 研究1棟 第5会議室(1階)


新メンバー、New member: Dr Kai Wen

Dr Kai Wen, who were a postdoc at University of Surrey, UK, has joined our group from February 16th, 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher.

Kai Wenさんが2019年2月16日付けで、イギリス・サリー大学から、研究員として着任しました。

Seminar (2019.2.21):Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou (ITP/CAS)

We have a seminar by Prof. Shan-Gui ZHOU, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on February 21, 2019. The seminar is given in English.

2019年2月21日(木)に中国科学院理論物理研究所のShan-Gui Zhou氏による以下のセミナーを開催します。興味のある方はぜひお越し下さい。

Speaker: Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Title: Multidimensionally-Constrained Covariant Density Functional Theories

Abstract: Many different shape degrees of freedom play crucial roles in determining the nuclear ground state and saddle point properties and the fission path. By breaking both the axial and the spatial reflection symmetries simultaneously, we have developed multidimensionally-constrained covariant density functional theories (MDC-CDFTs) in which all shape degrees of freedom $\beta_{\lambda\mu}$ with even $\mu$, such as $\beta_{20}$, $\beta_{22}$, $\beta_{30}$, $\beta_{32}$, $\beta_{40}$, etc., are included self-consistently. In this talk, I will introduce the MDC-CDFT’s and applications to the study of fission barriers and potential energy surfaces of normal and hyper nuclei.

Date/Time: February 21 (Thu.) 14:00-

Place: Meeting Room B, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

プレスリリース, Press release (SALMON)

Prof. Kazuhiro Yabana (CCS), Prof. Katsuyuki Nobusada (IMS), and their collaborators have developed and made open a software “SALMON” (Scalable Ab-initio Light-Matter simulator for Optics and Nanoscience). It may provide the first-principle calculation of material science, useful for pioneering researches in optical science.

矢花さんの研究グループと、自然科学研究機構分子科学研究所 (故)信定克幸准教授の研究グループは、物質科学の第一原理計算法に基づき、先端の光科学研究に役立つソフトウェアSALMONを開発しました。

プレスリリース, Press release (InPACS)

Prof. Takashi Nakatsukasa has open a website “InPACS” (Interactive Plot of Atomic nuclei and Computed Shapes) to the public. The InPACS provides easy and interactive access to computed nuclear data obtained in the ImPACT Fujita Program. The press release on this research has been made.

ウェブサイト”InPACS” (Interactive Plot of Atomic nuclei and Computed Shapes) を公開しました。科学技術振興機構・ImPACT藤田プログラムの中で中務さんのグループが行った研究成果を計算各データとして公開しており、インタラクティブなインターフェースでアクセスできます。

つくば不安定核セミナー、Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar (2019.1.21)

The 41st Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar will be held as follows.

  • Lecturer: Shinichiro Michimasa (CNS, University of Toyo)
  • Date/Time: January 21st, 2019, 16:00-
  • Place: Conference room, UTTAC 3F, University of Tsukuba

This seminar will be given in Japanese.


  • 講師: 道正 新一郎(東京大学原子核科学研究センター)
  • 題目:磁気剛性・飛行時間法を用いた中性子過剰核の直接質量測定
  • 日時:2019年1月21日(月)16:00より
  • 場所:筑波大学応用加速器部門3階 大会議室


プレスリリース、Press release (Collaboration with ANU)

Dr Guillaume Scamps, in collaboration with Australian National University, has clarified the shell effect of the pear shape during the fission, and has published an article in Nature. The press release on this research has been made.