セミナー(2017.4.24):Piotr Magierski氏 (ワルシャワ工科大学)
2017年4月17日 | 新着情報
2017年4月24日(月)にワルシャワ工科大のPiotr Magierski氏による以下のセミナーを開催いたします。また、同時に来日滞在するGabriel Wlazlowski氏によるよりテクニカルな議論も予定しております。
Abstract: Superfluidity is a generic feature of various quantum systems at low temperatures. It has been experimentally confirmed in many condensed matter systems, in 3He and 4He liquids, in nuclear systems including nuclei and neutron stars, in both fermionic and bosonic cold atoms in traps, and it is also predicted to show up in dense quark matter. The time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is, to date, the only microscopic method which allow to investigate fermionic superfluidity far from equilibrium. The local version of TDDFT is particularly well suited for leadership class computers of hybrid (CPU+GPU) architecture. Using the most powerful supercomputers we are currently able to study a real-time 3D dynamics without any symmetry restrictions evolving up to hundred of thousands of superfluid fermions. It represents a true qualitative leap in quantum simulations of nonequilibrium systems, allowing to make quantitative predictions and to reach limits inaccessible in laboratories. During the talk I will review several applications and results concerning nuclear induced fission and collisions, dynamics of nuclear matter in neutron stars, dynamics of topological excitations in ultracold atomic clouds and prospects to produce a quantum turbulent flow.