セミナー(2015.7.1):Dr Anatoli Afanasjev (Mississippi State University)

学振招へい(短期)で滞在されるミシシッピ州立大学の Anatoli Afanasjev氏のセミナーを7月1日午前10:30より自然学系D棟312号室で開催します。

Lecturer: Prof. Anatoli Afanasjev (Mississippi State University)
Title: Addressing theoretical uncertainties in nuclear DFT
Even with new generation of experimental facilities such as RIKEN, FRIB and SU- PERHEAVY FACTORY, almost half of the Z ≤ 120 nuclei will be beyond of experimental reach. However, the modeling of nuclear astrophysical processes requires precise nuclear information on masses, β-decay rates, fission properties etc. In such a situation it is im- portant to understand theoretical uncertainties on global scale and their sources. This will also allow to improve nuclear structure models and to define better fitting protocols. In my talk these questions will be addressed within the framework of covariant density functional theory.
I will start from the global assessment of the description of ground state observables of even-even nuclei in the CDFT framework. Calculated binding energies, the deformations, radii, neutron skins, two-neutron separation energies and the positions of the proton-drip line will be compared in a systematic way with available experimental data. The estimates of theoretical uncertainties in these observables with increasing isospin and their evolution up to two-neutron drip line will be provided. Then I will focus on two-neutron drip line and superheavy nuclei and the sources of theoretical uncertainties in their description.
It is clear that the current generation of energy density functionals has some important limitations. The possibilities of their extension and thus the improvement of the descrip- tion of experimental data and the decrease of theoretical uncertainties will be discussed.