- 2019/02/18
- 新メンバー、New member: Dr Kai Wen
- 2019/02/15
- Seminar (2019.2.21):Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou (ITP/CAS)
- 2019/02/01
- プレスリリース, Press release (SALMON)
- 2019/01/10
- プレスリリース, Press release (InPACS)
- 2019/01/04
- つくば不安定核セミナー、Tsukuba Unstable Nuclei Seminar (2019.1.21)
- 2018/12/20
- プレスリリース、Press release (Collaboration with ANU)
- 2018/11/12
- ポスドク研究員公募, Postdoc opening(Deadline: Dec. 21st, 2018)
- 2018/10/10
- International Symposium on Ab Initio Electron Dynamics Simulations (2018.11.14-16)
- 2018/10/10
- International School on Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and SALMON Hands-on Tutorial (2018.11.12-13)
- 2018/08/23
- Tsukuba-CCS workshop on “Microscopic theories of nuclear structure and dynamics” (2018.12.10-12)