- 2024/07/08
- プレスリリース, Press release
- 2024/06/24
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- 2024/06/17
- 新メンバー:YUさん New member: Yu
- 2024/05/02
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- 2024/04/05
- 新メンバー:宮城さん、YUさん、庄司さん、萩原さん、赤井さん、千葉さん New members: Yu, Shoji, Hagihara, Akai, and Chiba
- 2024/03/28
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- 2024/01/05
- Seminar (セミナー)2024.1.9 Moemi Matsumoto (Tohoku University)
In our group, we perform researches in wide fields of theoretical physics, not only nuclear physics, but also material and optical science.
Nuclear structure and reaction
Nucleus is a quantum system binding a few to hundreds of nucleons (protons and neutrons) with the strong interaction. Nucleus is a unique matter which exhibits macroscopic properties like a liquid drop as well as microscopic properties in quantum many-body systems of finite size. One of big challenges for us is to understand various nuclear properies based on the microscopic quantum mechanics, starting from a Hamiltonian given in terms of nucleons' degrees of freedom.
One of recent trends in nuclear physics is to investigate origins of elements. Nuclei currently present in our solar system were produced in the Big Bang in early universe, fusion reaction in stars, supernovae at the terminal stage of stars, etc. In order to understand how nuclei were produced and how the universe were made, it is necessary to understand nuclear reaction rates in the universe, by investigating structure and reaction of unstable nuclei that are not present in nature.
Material science and electron dynamics
Protons and neutrons in nuclei, as well as electrons in atoms/molecules/solids, are degenerate fermions. Our group is pursuing researches on these fermion many-body systems using common theories and methods.
We are interested in electrons' quantum dynamics induced by the interaction between light and materials. Due to significant advances in laser technology, in the frontier research of optical science, researchers are able to detect and control electronic motion in materials at the time scale of femto to atto second. Solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation using computers, we are aiming at understanding phenomen in the microscopic space at very short time scales.
We welcome graduate students who wish to perform researches with us. Please take a look at pages of Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences and/or Department of Physics, University of Tsukuba (in the link at the left). There, you will find information about the admission examination. In addition to an event of open campus in May, we welcome your visit to our group in any occasion.