研究テーマ (Research Subjects)

原子核多体問題 (Nuclear Many-Body Problems)


The fundamental theory for the strong interaction to form nuclei is the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) with quarks and gluons as fundamental degrees of freedom. Nevertheless, due to the confinement property of the QCD, nucleons (protons and neutrons) inside the nucleus keep their identities even inside the nucleus. Thus, we may effectively treat the nucleons/baryons as the fundamental degrees of freedom. In our group, using the quantum many-particle theories and methods of computational science, we are performing the following frontier researches in nuclear physics.

不安定核の物理 (Physics of unstable nuclei)


Nuclei in nature have roughly equal numbers of protons and neutrons. In very heavy nuclei, the number of neutrons could be about 1.5 times more than that of protons. These stable nuclei form the “Heisenberg’s valley”. Recent experimental technologies enable us to create nuclei with very different numbers of protons and neutrons. In many respects, their properties are different from stable nuclei and currently of great interest in the world. This field in experimental nuclear physics is under progress by Japanese groups with strong international leadership.

元素の起源と宇宙核物理 (Origin of elements and nuclear astrophysics)


On the Earth, the largest nucleus is the one of Uranium (atomic number 92). In the universe, the neutron stars can be regarded as a gigantic nucleus. Since the synthesis of nuclei involves large amount of energy in fusion and fission processes, it is possible only in special place/time in the universe, such as the Big Bang in the early universe, the interior of stars, and supernovae. The element synthesis in supernovae and neutron-star mergers goes through neutron-rich nuclei, thus, closely related to researches in unstable nuclei.

中性子星の構造 (Structure of neutron stars)


Neutron stars can be found as a pulsar after the supernovae, a remnant of giant stars after explosion. Immediately after the discovery of neutron stars, nuclear physicists started to study this macroscopic nucleus as a new form of nuclear matter. Especially, many researchers currently study the crystal structure and nuclear superfluidity in the crust region near the surface of neutron stars. Many phenomena, such as pulsar glitches and oscillation modes, have been observed, and very recently, the gravitational wave from the neutron-star-merger event was observed. These developments in astronomy have great impact on nuclear physics and increase the importance of nuclear physics.

原子核集団運動の非線型動力学 (Non-linear dynamics of nuclear collective motion)


Coherent motion of many nucleons as a whole nucleus is called “collective motion”. Typical collective motions in nuclei are the oscillation in which nuclear surface changes its shape in time, and the rotation of the whole nucleus. In addition, there are collective motions involving large amplitude shape changes, such as nuclear fusion and fission. To understand such collective motion in nuclei in terms of individual nucleonic degrees of freedom is a challenging subject. We perform researches based on the time-dependent mean-field theories, to study origin, microscopic dynamics, and damping mechanism of nuclear collective motion.

量子多体系の計算科学 (Computational quantum many-body systems)


In the fields of material science including nuclei, non-empirical description of material properties is under progress using (super)computers. In the case of nuclei, the problem is how we produce various nuclear properties, such as energy, nuclear shapes, density distribution, oscillatory/rotational motions, and excitation structure with various correlations, from proton and neutron numbers as the only input. The nucleus that consists of a few to hundreds of nucleons is a typical example of finite quantum many-body systems. Atoms and molecules are also finite quantum systems. It is theoretically interesting to study common phenomena in such finite quantum systems. In the nano-science, we are able to control atoms and electrons one by one. A system with tens or hundreds of atoms is called “cluster” and known to show properties very similar to nuclei. In such interdisciplinary regions of nuclear/atomic/molecular/solid-state physics and chemistry, we see an opening of new fields.

量子ダイナミクスの計算科学 (Computational science of quantum dynamics)


The size and time scales of the material science are completely different from nuclear scales. The nuclear size is femtometer (10-15 m), while the atomic size is nanometer (10-9 m). The nuclear time scale is 10-23 s, while that of electronic motion in atoms is attosecond (10-18 s). Nuclei are bound by the strong interaction, while the materials are controlled by the Coulomb interaction. However, since both nuclei and materials require theories of many degenerate fermions (nucleons and electrons), we may find many common phenomena and useful concepts in such completely different phases of matter. We are pursuing researches in both nuclear and material sciences, aiming at creating a new field of quantum simulation of many-fermion dynamics.

時間依存密度汎関数理論 (Time-dependent density-functional theory)


A basic theory to describe quantum dynamics of many fermion systems is the time-dependent density-functional theory. The theory has a long history in nuclear physics and has been applied to simulation of nucleus-nucleus collision. We are the first group in the world to apply the same framework to studies of electronic dynamics in material science. The basic equation of the theory is called “Kohn-Sham equation” which we have developed a method to rigorously solve in real space and real time. So far, we have studied photoresponse in molecules and clusters, ion-matter collisions, dielectric functions of solids, etc. Currently, our study is mainly focused on the interaction between matter and laser (see next).

高強度・超短パルスレーザーと物質の相互作用 (Interaction between matter and intensive short pulse laser)


Laser is a light of phase coherence. The laser technology has been extensively developed, to open new spectroscopic researches using more intensive and shorter pulsing lights. The first step of interaction between material and light is between electrons and electric fields of light. Usually, the interaction between light and material is treated by using the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics. However, when the strength of the electric field is as comparable as the one binding electrons in the matter, a variety of non-linear phenomena occur, such as tunneling  ionization, high harmonic generation, and Coulomb explosion. Furthermore, we may observe ionic and electronic motion in real time, using the ultra-short pulse laser. We study such laser science with the first-principle quantum simulation of electronic dynamics.

大規模数値計算 (Large-scale numerical calculation)


In recent years, computer technologies have been in significant progress. Every year, a new scale of calculation is enabled by massively parallelized computation. Faculty staff members in our group belong to Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba which operates massively parallel computers, and we use them to perform large-scale simulation of quantum dynamics. We are developing a parallel computing program using the space division, and a multi-scale simulator to simultaneously describe electric fields and electronic dynamics. For various nuclear phases including neutron stars, we are also developing parallel codes using the space division and a real-time simulator.