セミナー(2015.5.22):Dr Javier Menendez (東大理)

東京大学に学振・外国人特別研究員・Javier Menendez氏のセミナーが5月22日(金) に予定されています。場所・時間等は、セミナーページをご覧ください。

Lecturer: Javier Menendez (Univ. of Tokyo)
Title: From nuclear structure to double-beta decay
First I will cover the main achievements, and point to future work, in nuclear structure shell model calculations of medium-mass nuclei based on nuclear forces predicted by chiral effective field theory. These include very successful description of masses and spectroscopy of oxygen, calcium isotopes as well as ‘sd-shell’ nuclei. Secondly I will discuss neutrinoless double-beta decay, a key process to access neutrino properties given that the nuclear matrix elements of the process are known accurately. I will present state-of-the-art shell-model neutrinoless double-beta decay calculations, and a comparison to other approaches such as based on mean-field, which is essential to improve our understanding of the nuclear matrix elements.