Publication list
Attosecond dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in polycrystalline diamond
M Lucchini, SA Sato, A Ludwig, J Herrmann, M Volkov, L Kasmi, Y Shinohara, K Yabana, L Gallmann, U Keller
Science 353 (6302), 916-919(2016)
Attosecond nonlinear polarization and light-matter energy transfer in solids
A Sommer, EM Bothschafter, SA Sato, C Jakubeit, T Latka, O Razskazovskaya, H Fattahi, M Jobst, W Schweinberger, V Shirvanyan, VS Yakovlev, R Kienberger, K Yabana, N Karpowicz, M Schultze, F Krausz
Nature 534 (7605), 86-90(2016)
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for multinucleon transfer and quasifission processes in the Ni 64+ U 238 reaction
K Sekizawa, K Yabana
Physical Review C 93 (5), 054616(2016)
Femtosecond time-resolved dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect
T. Otobe, Y. Shinohara, S.A. Sato, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. B93, 045124(2016).
Controlling ultrafast currents by the non-linear photogalvanic effect
G. Wachter, S.A. Sato, C. Lemell, X.M. Tong, K. Yabana, J. Burgdoerfer
New J. Phys. 17, 123026(2015).
Protocol for observing molecular dipole excitations by attosecond self-streaking
G. Wachter, S. Nagele, S.A. Sato, R. Pazourek, M. Wais, C. Lemell, X.-M. Tong, K. Yabana, J. Burgdoerfer
Phys. Rev. A92, 061403(R).
Nonlinear electronic excitations in crystalline solids using meta-generalized gradient approximation and hybrid functional in time-dependent density functional theory
S.A. Sato, Y. Taniguchi, Y. Shinohara, K. Yabana
J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224116(2015).
Time-dependent density functional theory of high-intensity, short-pulse laser irradiation on insulators
S.A. Sato, K. Yabana, Y. Shinohara, T. Otobe, K.M. Lee, G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B92, 205413 (6 pages)(2015).
Application of norm-conserving pseudopotentials to intense laser-matter interactions
X.-M. Tong, G. Wachter, S.A. Sato, C. Lemell, K. Yabana, J. Burgdoerfer
Phys. Rev. A92, 043422(2015).
Imaginary-time formalism for triple-alpha reaction rate
T. Akahori, Y. Funaki, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C92, 022801(2015).
Light absorption efficiencies of photosynthetic pigments: the dependence on spectral types of central stars
Y.Komatsu, M.Umemura, M.Shoji, M.Kayanuma, K.Yabana, K.Shiraishi
International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 505-510(2014).
Light absorption and excitation energy transfer calculations in primitive photosynthetic bacteria
Y. Komatsu, M. Kayanuma, M. Shoji, K. Yabana, K. Shiraishi, M. Umemura
Molecular Physics 113, 1413-1421(2015).
Particle-number projection method in time-dependent Hartree-Fock theory: Properties of reaction products
K. Sekizawa, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C90, 064614(2014).
Attosecond band-gap dynamics in silicon
M. Schultze, K. Ramasesha, C.D. Pemmaraju, S.A. Sato, D. Whitmore, A. Gandman, J.S. Prell, L.J. Borja, D. Prendergast, K. Yabana, D.M. Neumark, S.R. Leone
Science 346, 1348-1352(2014).
Dielectric response of laser-excited silicon at finite electron temperature
S.A. Sato, Y. Shinohara, T. Otobe, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. B90, 174303 (8 pages)(2014).
Ab Initio Simulation of Electrical Currents Induced by Ultrafast Laser Excitation of Dielectric Materials
G. Wachter, C. Lemell, J. Burgdoerfer, S.A. Sato, X.-M. Tong, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 087401 (5 pages)(2014).
Efficient basis expansion for describing linear and nonlinear electron dynamics in crystalline solids
S.A. Sato, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. B89, 224305 (11 pages)(2014).
First-principles simulation of the optical response of bulk and thin-film α-quartz irradiated with an ultrashort intense laser pulse
K.-M. Lee, C.M. Kim, S.A. Sato, T. Otobe, Y. Shinohara, K. Yabana, T.M. Jeong
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 053519(2014).
Numerical pump-probe experiments of laser-excited silicon in nonequilibrium phase
S.A. Sato, K. Yabana, Y. Shinohara, T. Otobe, G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B 89, 064304(2014).
Massively-parallel electron dynamics calculations in real-time and real-space: Toward applications to nanostructures of more than ten-nanometers in size
M. Noda, K. Ishimura, K. Nobusada, K. Yabana
J. Comp. Phys. 265, 145(2014).
Low-energy E1 strength in select nuclei: Possible constraints on neutron skin and symmetry energy
T. Inakura, T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C88, 051305(2013).
Deformation and cluster structures in 12C studied with configuration mixing using Skyrme interactions
Y. Fukuoka, S. Shinohara, Y. Funaki, T. Nakatsukasa, and K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C88, 014321(2013).
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for multinucleon transfer processes in 40, 48Ca+124Sn, 40Ca+208Pb, and 58Ni+208Pb reactions
K. Sekizawa, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C88, 014614(2013).
Nuclear“pasta” structures in low-density nuclear matter and properties of the neutron-star crust
M. Okamoto, T.Maruyama, K.Yabana, T.Tatsumi
Phys. Rev. C88, 025801(2013).
Imaginary-time method for the radiative capture reaction rate
K. Yabana, Y. Funaki
Phys. Rev. C85, 055803(2012).
Nonadiabatic generation of coherent phonons
Y. Shinohara, S.A. Sato, K. Yabana, T. Otobe, J.-I. Iwata, G.F. Bertsch
J. Chem. Phys. 67, 22A527 (2012), 138, 029903 (2013) Erratum.
Three-dimensional structure of low-density nuclear matter
M.Okamoto, T.Maruyama, K.Yabana, T.Tatsumi
Phys. Lett. B713, 284(2012).
Time-dependent density functional theory for strong electromagnetic fields in crystalline solids
K. Yabana, T. Sugiyama, Y. Shinohara, T. Otobe, G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B85 (2012) 045134.
Magnetic circular dichroism in real-time time-dependent density functional theory
K.-L. Lee, K. Yabana, G.F. Bertsch
J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 144106.
Emergence of pygmy dipole resonances: Magic numbers and neutron skins
T. Inakura, T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C84 (2011) 021302.
Coherent phonon generation in time-dependent density functional theory
Y. Shinohara, K. Yabana, Y. Kawashita, J.-I. Iwata, T. Otobe, G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B82 (2010) 155110.
Canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations
S. Ebata, T. Nakatsukasa, T. Inakura, K. Yoshida, Y. Hashimoto, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 034306.
Self-consistent calculation of nuclear photoabsorption cross section: Finite amplitude method with Skyrme functionals in the three-dimensional real space
T. Inakura, T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana,
Phys. Rev. C80 (2009) 044301.
A massively-parallel electronic-structure calculations based on real-space density functional theory
J.-I. Iwata, D. Takahashi, A. Oshiyama, T. Boku, K. Shiraishi, S. Okada, K. Yabana
J. Comp. Phys. 229 (2009) 2339-2363.
Oscillator strength distribution of C_60 in the time-dependent density functional theory
Y. Kawashita, K. Yabana, M. Noda, K. Nobusada, T. Nakatsukasa
J. Mol. Struct. THEOCHEM 914 (2009) 130-135.
Moment distributions of clusters and molecules in the adiabatic rotor model
G.E. Ballentine, G.F. Bertsch, N. Onishi, K. Yabana
Comp. Phys. Comm. 178 (2008) 48-51.
First-principles electron dynamics simulation for optical breakdown of dielectrics under an intense laser field
T. Otobe, M. Yamagiwa, J.-I. Iwata, K. Yabana, T. Nakatsukasa, G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B77 (2008) 165104.
Finite amplitude method for the solution of the random-phase approximation
T. Nakatsukasa, T. Inakura, and K. Yabana
Phys.Rev.C76 (2007) 024318.
Density functional calculation for tunnel ionization rate of hydrocarbon molecules
T. Otobe, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. A75 (2007) 062507.
Photoinduced electric currents in ring-shaped molecules by circularly polarized pulses
K. Nobusada, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. A75 (2007) 032518.
Real-time, real-space implementation of the linear response time-dependent density-functional theory
K. Yabana, T. Nakatsukasa, J.-I. Iwata and G.F. Bertsch
Physica Status Solidi (b) 243 (2006) 1121.
Suppressed fusion cross section for neutron halo nuclei
M. Ito, K. Yabana, T. Nakatsukasa, and M. Ueda
Phys. Lett. B637 (2006) 53-57.
Configuration mixing calculation for complete low-lying spectra with the mean-field Hamiltonian
S. Shinohara, H. Ohta, T. Nakatsukasa, and K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C74 (2006) 054315 (10 pages).
Linear response in the continuum for deformed nuclei: Green’s function vs time-dependent Hartree-Fock with the absorbing-boundary condition
T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 24301.
Absorbing kernels to study resonances in the generator coordinate method
M. Ito, K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 1047.
Multiple ionization of a silver diatomic molecule in an intense laser field
K. Shiratori, K. Nobusada, K. Yabana
Chem. Phys. Lett. 404 (2005) 365.
Variation after parity projection calculation with Skyrme interaction for light nuclei
H. Ohta, K. Yabana, T. Nakatsukasa
Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 014301 (6 pages).
First-principle calculations for the tunnel ionization rate of atoms and molecules
T. Otobe, K. Yabana, J.-I. Iwata
Phys. Rev. A69 (2004) 053404 (11pages).
High harmonic generation from silver clusters: Laser frequency dependence and screening effect of d electrons
K. Nobusada, K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. A70 (2004) 043411.
Real-space computational method for linear and nonlinear polarizabilities
J.-I. Iwata, K. Yabana, G.F. Bertsch
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 4 (2004) 461.
Application of an absorbing boundary condition to nuclear breakup
M. Ueda, K. Yabana, T. Nakatsukasa
Phys. Rev. C67 (2003) 014606.
Oscillator strength distribution in C_3H_6 isomers studied with the time-dependent density functional method in the continuum
T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana
Chem. Phys. Lett. 374 (2003) 613-619.
Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C_20?
A. Castro, M.A.L. Marques, J.A. Alonso, G.F. Bertsch, K. Yabana, A. Rubio
J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002), 1930-1933.
Application of density functional theory to line broadening: Cs atoms in liquid helium
T. Nakatsukasa, K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. A65 (2002) 032512 (6 pages).
Solving the RPA eigenvalue equation in real-space
A. Muta, J.-I. Iwata, Y. Hashimoto and K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 108 (2002) 1065-1076.
Application of time-dependent density-functional theory to electron-ion coupling in ethylene
G.F. Bertsch, J. Giansiracusa, K. Yabana
Israel J. Chem. 42 (2002) 151-156.
Photoabsorption spectra in the continuum of molecules and atomic clusters
T. Nakatsukasa and K. Yabana
J. Chem. Phys. 114 (2001) 2550-2561.
Electron-vibration coupling in time-dependent density-functional theory: application to Benzene
G.F. Bertsch, A. Schnell, and K. Yabana
J. Chem. Phys 115 (2001) 4051-4054.
Microscopic theories for the reactions of halo nuclei
Y. Ogawa, T. Kido, K. Yabana and Y. Suzuki
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 142 (2001) 157-204.
Real-space computation of dynamic hyperpolarizabilities
J.-I. Iwata, K. Yabana and G. F. Bertsch
J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001), 8773-8783.
Semiclassical versus quantal time-dependent mean-field descriptions of electron dynamics in ion-cluster collisions
L. Plagne, J. Daligault, K. Yabana, T. Tazawa, Y. Abe and C. Guet
Phys. Rev. A61 (2000) 033201.
A real-space, real-time method for the dielectric function
G.F. Bertsch, J.-I. Iwata, A. Rubio and K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. B62 (2000) 7998-8002.
Time-dependent mean-field description for multiple charge-transfer processes in Ar^8+ - ArCollisions
R. Nagano, K. Yabana, T. Tazawa and Y. Abe
Phys. Rev. A62 (2000) 062721.
Application of the time-dependent local-density approximation to conjugated molecules
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Int. J. Quantum Chemistry 75 (1999) 55-66.
Application of the time-dependent local-density approximation to collision between a highly charged ion and an atom
R. Nagano, K. Yabana, T. Tazawa and Y. Abe
J. Phys. B32 (1999) L65-L71.
Application of the time-dependent local density approximation to optical activity
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. A60 (1999) 1271-1279.
Optical response of small silver clusters
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. A60 (1999) 3809-3814.
Tetrahedral and triangular deformations of Z=N nuclei in mass region A = 60 - 80
S. Takami, K. Yabana and M. Matsuo
Phys. Lett. B431 (1998) 242-248.
Time-dependent mean-field description for multiple electron transfer in slow ion-cluster Collisions
K. Yabana, T. Tazawa, Y. Abe and P. Bozek
Phys. Rev. A57 (1998) R3165-3168.
Oscillator strength with pseudopotentials
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. A58 (1998) 2604-2607.
Low energy reactions of halo nuclei in a three-body model
K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 97 (1997) 437-450.
Optical response of small carbon clusters
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Z. Phys. D42 (1997) 219-225.
Damping width of the Mie plasmon
H. Kurasawa, K. Yabana and T. Suzuki
Phys. Rev. B56 (1997) R10063-10066.
Coulomb breakup mechanism of neutron-halo nuclei in a time-dependent method
T. Kido, K. Yabana and Y. Suzuki
Phys. Rev.C53 (1996) 2296-2303.
Time-dependent local density approximation in real time
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B54 (1996) 4484-4487.
Alpha clustering of light nuclei in the parity projected mean field method
S. Takami, K. Yabana and K. Ikeda
Prog. Theor. Phys. 96 (1996) 407-420.
The valence of small fullerenes
C. Milani, C. Giambelli, H.E. Roman, F. Alasia, G. Benedek, R.A. Broglia, S. Sanguinetti, K. Yabana
Chem. Phys. Lett. 258 (1996) 554-558.
Ionic core effects on the Mie resonance in lithium clusters
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Z. Phys. D32 (1995) 329-336.
Magnetization of ferromagnetic clusters
G. Bertsch, N. Onishi and K. Yabana
Z. Phys. D34 (1995) 213-217.
Optical properties of C_60 vibrations
G.F. Bertsch, A. Smith and K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. B52 (1995) 7876-7878.
Deformations of Be isotopes studied with Skyrme Hartree-Fock method
S. Takami, K. Yabana and K. Ikeda
Prog. Theor. Phys. 94 (1995) 1011-1017.
Momentum distributions of ^9Li fragment arising from (^11Li,^9Li) reaction and neutron Correlation
Y. Ogawa, Y. Suzuki and K. Yabana
Nucl. Phys. A571 (1994) 784-802.
Cold cluster ferromagnetism
G.F. Bertsch and K. Yabana
Phys. Rev. A49 (1994) 1930-1932.
Inelastic electron scattering on C_60 clusters
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
J. Chem. Phys. 100 (1994) 5580-5587.
Coulomb break-up mechanism of neutron-halo nuclei
T. Kido, K. Yabana and Y. Suzuki
Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) R1276-1279.
^11Li+p elastic scatterings in a four-body model with the eikonal approximation
Y. Suzuki, K. Yabana and Y. Ogawa
Phys. Rev. C47 (1993) 1317-1320.
Electronic structure of C_60 in a spherical basis
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Phys. Scripta 48 (1993) 633-637.
Fragmentation cross sections of He isotopes and neutron correlations
Y. Suzuki, T. Kido, Y. Ogawa, K. Yabana and D. Baye
Nucl. Phys. A567 (1993) 957-970.
Reaction mechanism of ^11Li at intermediate energy
K. Yabana, Y. Ogawa and Y. Suzuki
Nucl. Phys. A539 (1992) 295-315.
Break-up effect on the elastic scattering and the optical potential of ^11Li
K. Yabana, Y. Ogawa and Y. Suzuki
Phys. Rev. C45 (1992) 2909-2918.
Glauber model analysis of the fragmentation reaction cross section of ^11Li
Y. Ogawa, K. Yabana and Y. Suzuki
Nucl. Phys. A543 (1992) 722-750.
Comment on "Jahn-Teller effect for the negatively charged C_60 molecule: analogy with the silicon vacancy"
K. Yabana and G. Bertsch
Phys. Rev. B46 (1992) 14263.
Forbidden transitions in the absorption spectra of C_60
K. Yabana and G.F. Bertsch
Chem. Phys. Lett. 197 (1992) 32-37.
Isobaric analogue halo states
Y. Suzuki and K. Yabana
Phys. Lett. B272 (1991) 173-177.
Microscopic study of the nucleus-nucleus interaction on the basis of the realistic effective interaction I --- formulation ---
S. Yamaguchi, K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 53-74.
Microscopic study of the nucleus-nucleus interaction on the basis of the realistic effective interaction II --- Physical consideration on the effective interaction and comparison with experiments in the a-a System ---
S. Yamaguchi, K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 75-85.
Effect of the nucleus-nucleus potential on the high energy photon production in the intermediate energy heavy ion collision
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 86-95.
Microscopic study of the a-^16O interaction on the basis of the realistic effective interaction
S. Yamaguchi, K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 217-221.
Microscopic analysis of the nucleus-nucleus optical potential based on the Feshbach projection operator formalism I --- Formulation and analysis of a-^16O system ---
K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 82 (1989) 1106-1124.
Microscopic derivation of the nucleus-nucleus potential by the use of the density-dependent effective interaction
K. Yabana, T. Wada and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 79 (1988) 19-23
Semi-classical quantization for multi-dimensional coupled-channel equation
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 77 (1987) 517-547.
Adiabatic viewpoint for the WKB treatment of coupled channel system --- Appearance of the Berry phase and another extra phase accompanying the adiabatic motion ---
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 75 (1986) 592-618.
On the center-of-mass free density matrix
K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 76 (1986) 414-432.
Cranked cluster wave function for molecular states
H. Horiuchi, T. Wada and K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 76 (1986) 837-860.
Microscopic analysis of inelastic coupling potential based on the coupled channel resonating group method I --- formulation and study of ^6Li-a system ---
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 76 (1986) 1071-1088.
A semi-classical treatment of the coupled channel equation with non-local interaction II --- equivalent local potentials to be used in the coupled channel treatment ---
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 73 (1985) 100-127.
A semi-classical treatment of the coupled channel equation with non-local interaction III --- Perey effect and flux conservation ---
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 73 (1985) 128-142.
WKB method in boson representation
K. Yabana and S. Iida
Prog. Theor. Phys. 73 (1985) 292-296.
A semi-classical treatment of the coupled channel equation with non-local interaction IV --- higher order corrections to the equivalent local potentials ---
K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 73 (1985) 516-519.
A semi-classical treatment of the coupled channel equation with non-local interaction I
K. Yabana and H. Horiuchi
Prog. Theor. Phys. 71 (1984) 1275-1292.
Pauli-forbidden region in the phase-space of coupled-channel system in the framework of the time-dependent variational theory
H. Horiuchi and K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 72 (1984) 1277-1281.
WKB treatment of boson Hamiltonian of inter-nucleus interaction
H. Horiuchi, K. Aoki, T. Wada and K. Yabana
Prog. Theor. Phys. 70 (1983) 1599-1623.